The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Scary, but we're getting older and time is slipping away quickly. When I left Penn State back in 1979, I didn't know I would ever finish, much less go on to get my PhD in Energy Mgmt and Policy Analysis at the Univ. of Pa. While at Penn I had my own tropical fish wholesale business for 10 years. After that I worked at the U.S. Dept. of Energy for 10 years, which led me to the FAA for two years, and then 6 years at U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. I'm now an asst. dir. of the Office of Advanced Studies, where we do trans stat and econ analysis. I love forecasting. I built 2 famous models, NEMS Transportation and NAS Simulator, & developed the subsidy for hybrid elec cars. I'm an adjunct prof at the business school at Averett Univ. My wife Amy is the chief investment officer for the Smithsonian Institute. My son Li is 13 and will be entering high school in the fall! For better or for worse, I'll never forget the profs who taught me everything that I know-Dr. William Vogely, Dr. Richard Gordon, and especially Dr. John Tilton, who taught me how to teach! I wish the Mineral Econ Dept was still around. Energy issues & mineral econ are still the heart and the soul of the U.S. economy and always will be. Bring it back! Derek from Guyana, please contact me! I hope God is shining down on you, my bro, because he sure has taken care of a loser like me!